The Rootless God - Theology of Emigrations

Article in Balkan Contextual Theology
Article written by Alida Bremer and Ivana Bodrožić on the roots of tradition, popular piety, language, literature, and reflections on faith. Published 2022.
A series of political upheavals and economic hardships in the last 100-odd years have forced a large number of Croats to leave their birthplaces.
They brought their language and folk piety to their new homes. This uprootedness brought about the need for national belonging and the warmth of origin. At the same time, the uprooted were aware of their homeland's predicaments and uncertain future due to war and upheavals. However, the more faith served for underpinning the national sentiments, the more genuine piety was lost. The rootless God kept fading more and more, being displaced by folklore, ideologies, and national cohesion. Those Croatian migrants who didn't accept this narrow-mindedness became even more lonely and uprooted.